Baby's First Shopping Cart Ride

This is my little man. Tonight my husband and I took him food shopping as usual, but this time, he sat up in the shopping cart like a big boy! He is 7 months old now, and sitting up really well. We purchased one of those quilted shopping cart inserts and it is great! Its a comfy and sanitary way to keep him happy. He LOVED it. He sat in that seat, like he was the mayor of the grocery store. He has a big silly round head and a long neck, and well, he just kept staring at everyone and looking around, sort of like a meerkat. It was so precious and sweet. My husband and I kept crashing and bumping into things, as well as caused numerous traffic jams in the isles because we couldn't stop staring at him LOL.

Thank you Allah, for the sweetest little boy.

13 Birds Chirpin':

Hijabi Apprentice said...

Masha Allah what a sweetie!!!

Safiyyah said...

Salaams Sis:

How sweet, Masha Allah! He looks so happy :)

It's hard to believe that he is 7 months already!!!

iMuslimah said...

Assalamu alaykum :)

Thank you sisters for checking out my little monkey! He is truly, the greatest joy!

Organica said...

This is too cute!


Umm Salihah said...

Mash'Allah what a cutey-pie, I'm telling you, seven months has flown. You two are terrible, so loved-up you're hitting things with your trolley!

Jannah said...

aww subhanallah i love the joy of being a mother!! The greatest joy is when they come up to you and give u the bigggggggggest hug and kiss they can, mashallah!! Btw i live in ny, what part are you in, if you dont mind me asking =)

Mumina said...

Aaaaaaawwwww!!!!!! MaashaAllah. LMBO@ you and hubby bumping into stuff with the cart cuz u couldn't stop staring! Lower your gaze!!!!!! lol, just kidding! What a sweetie.

mistika said...

Wow he is cute, I know I have a 2 year old and a 1 year old girls and is amazing how fast they grow and how everyday is full of excitment MashaAllah!

Cecilia said...

what a sweeite! he is soooo cute. I want to be a mother too it must be amazing

Jannah said...

I'm in Queens =) My daughters fine alhumdulillah. Shes actually taking a nap now while i cook dinner. (Tortellini with butternut squash sauce) ITS DIVINE!!!
hehehe um you can get some nice bubble books that your son can chew on. You can find them at toys r us and walmart. Theyre cheap as well and theres NO WAY he will get hurt by plopping on them or if they fall on him =p

American Muslima Writer said...

LOL subhanAllah so taken with ur baby ur bumping things. i can imagine the other people staring at you staring at your baby hehehe. Masha'Allah I love the firsts! XOXOX

NiDa said...

Awww sooo adorable!! mashaAllah. Just tooo Cute!!!

mummyjaan said...

that is so gorgeous mashallah!!