Day 3

Salaams to all.
Day 3 was essentially the same as Day 2. I'll take it. Anything is better than Day 1.
Still grappling with the nursing issues. I just can't give up. I'll keep trying until I am convinced it can't work. For now he gets mostly bottles, and a little bit of me. I am relieved he is at least getting my milk.
Pump aggravation: We spent $329 on a pump almost 90 days ago. All of it's functions are not working, so our options are (now mind you my son is relying on pumped milk) to return it to the manufacturer (it weighs a lot) with shipping at our expense, and then rent a hospital grade pump for one month at the cost of $70 plus the $49 accessory kit I need to use it OR I can attempt to wait until the 'buyer protection' (which cost us $40) warranty kicks in after 90 days, and get a brand new replacement (Im sure there are strings attached), and spare the cost of renting a pump for one month. I'll make a decision tomorrow morning after speaking to the manufacturer. Maybe they will offer me a better solution, who knows.
Positive stuffage: I tried on some pre-pregnancy clothing that was WAYYYYYY too tight on me before I got pregnant, and they are falling off me! Hooray! It feels good to be getting back on track to a healthier lifestyle. I'm really excited. My husband is taking us for my follow up visit with my OB/GYN tomorrow, and then to get me new threads inshaallah. I can't wait. I'm also looking forward to showing off iBaby to the staff at the office, whom Ive seen every week for what seems like forever. I'm happy to see my doctor too- as we just feel that she gave us the best care possible, and we cannot forget that. I'll have to dress shim in something extra delicious for his debut.
iBaby is up to about 3 0z milk per feeding now, and sucks it down quickly, even with a slow-flow nipple. I have to interrupt him so he can burp (and boy- can he). We had some issues settling down for bed, and basically he stayed awake from 1am to 430am. When my husband came home at 3:15am, I felt a sense of relief. I was exhausted.
Mashaallah he is getting cuter and cuter. Sweeter and sweeter, and big! His voice is starting to change a bit, and he is able to follow our voices. When I put him over my shoulder to burp, he tries to suck on my cheek; yet I am convinced he is trying to kiss his mama.
Inshaallah tomorrow is a new day for us.

2 Birds Chirpin':

Safiyyah said...

Salaams Sis:

I think he's trying to kiss his mama, too!

Umm Salihah said...

Assalam-alaikam Sis iMuslimah,
lucky you, you're one of those rare ladies that get slimmer after having a baby.
Don't they have a powerful suck, he must be leaving you with red cheeks.
Good luck for babies debut, you'll love everyone cooing over him.