Blogging With Photographs

Blogging is such a widespread, almost viral practice these days, and sometimes I am surprised if not shocked by content!

Here's a question for my Muslim sistahs......

Do you feel it is OK to post photographs of other people you don't know, (strangers, celebrities, models etc..) to demonstrate something that we Muslimahs should or more likely shouldn't be doing?

For those of you who may be wondering about my views, I am not totally against photography, I actually love the craft, but generally stick to the landscape kind. Photographs of my family are not displayed in my home, nor do I publish their faces on this blog, after much deliberation. I do on occasion, email photographs to those near and dear, to update them on iBaby.

Please leave a comment, I would love to know what you all have to contribute to this discussion!



Bedouin Chic

Created by Allah
Photographed by iMuslimah
Copyright 2009
Images may not be used or reproduced.

Assalamu alaykum sisters,

My little snugglesaurus is getting so big! MashaAllah he is 13 months old, running, walking, crawling, climbing and generally sweet as pie. I can't get enough of him these days.
The first image is iBaby in a traditional outfit from my husband's country. We couldn't stop squealing when we put it on him. The kufi finally fits him, and we thought they looked good together! Sandals were a great bargain at Marshall's. We took him to an "end of year" children's party for our local masjid, where my hub teaches arabic to the tots. Most of the families were from Bangladesh and Pakistan, so I got to meet some new sisters from different cultures (and had some deelish BBQ). Their children were exquisite and were enjoying meeting iBaby. It was also nice to meet my husbands little students. What a great group of kids mashAllah! We had a very good time.
The rest are some candid shots of status chubbicus. Love those legs. Love. Them.
Subhanallah to see a human being grow in front of your eyes from embryo to this is the most precious experience ever. Alhamdulillah for everything.

If I Had a Million(s) Dollars

Assalamu alaykum sisters !

I frequently ponder what I would do with a million dollars if I actually possessed it. I keep coming back to the same thoughts. Realistically it would take millions, but who's counting?

I have this recurrent vision of building an Islamic institution, and I would call it "The Islamic Center for Women and Children". I often feel that women are missing out on many benefits of the deen in the USA because masjids are generally small, poor and cannot accommodate space for us. MashAllah I see local masjids striving to reach out, but as the muslim population increases it is becoming more difficult financially.

I imagine a very large, modern building (approx 10,000 square feet), with all kinds of amenities including classrooms, a lecture hall with seating, multiple prayer rooms, offices, counseling, a health clinic and a food pantry for those in need. There would be a fitness center and a swimming pool. A "board" of sorts would be organized to coordinate educators, guest speakers, volunteers, donations, dawah, sanitation, maintenance, expenses, social functions and networks, and qualified caretakers to watch over the little ones when "mom" would like to pray in peace, attend a lecture or exercise. Children would have the opportunity to attend classes and workshops. There will be a large working kitchen. There will be stroller parking (for those of you that have seen hazards in local masjids will understand this very well). There will be no basements. There will be ample air conditioning and a working PA system. There would be an all-female security staff. There would even be transportation available for those who have none. Oh yes, and of course there will be amenities to cater to women and children with special needs, whether it be physical, emotional or mental.

As a result of this initiative, the muslimah community would strengthen and broaden- which would directly benefit society. We would benefit each other. Stronger women=stronger marriages=stronger families=stronger society...all for the sake of Allah subhana wa ta'ala.

I realize this may all sound naive, because I am sure that this would be a major task with enormous responsibility and endless funding.

Of course, I wouldn't mind a little personal indulgence, but that wasn't the purpose of this post.

Ultimately, I am thankful to Allah for everything he has bestowed upon my husband and I. If I never have millions, it's all good. I just cant see having it and not sharing it.

What would you do if you had millions?