Happy Birth-Day To Me.


This time last year, I was a brand new mom. Twenty-four hours fresh into the unknown. The unexpected. The unforgettable.

I flip through photographs of my shining star, and I cannot believe that he has morphed into what he is, right in front of my eyes. It's like it happened yesterday, and it's almost heartbreaking to think that the precious infant I held in my arms that day, is long gone- replaced by a newer and improved version of edible cuteness, haughty freshiness, and one outrageously vocal little (halal) ham. OK- second thought: Lamb Chop.

Life with Omar is becoming more dynamic and challenging each day. It is clear his cognitive skills are really blossoming, and his motor skills are sharpening. To witness a child learning is a treasure. I wish I could savor each and every moment of interaction with him. His greatest achievement thus far is- giving kisses. My baby is learning to show and express love. Isn't that grand?

I wish we could have a mini-scaled down birthday party for him. Just love, cake, grandma and grandpa. Instead, I brought him to see them in the morning so they could have breakfast with him. I was so proud of them, that they never once uttered the phrase "happy birthday". I know it was hard for them. The rest of the day, my husband and I carried on as if it were any other day. I quietly kept reflecting, for the day my son was born, I will never, ever forget. We ended the day with a lovely trip to the beach, for it was unusually warm.

So you ask, why the title of this post? This has been the most rewarding and demanding experience of my life. The first few weeks of his life were super difficult. I finally realize that I deserve some credit for keeping it together......iMuslimah, you rocked it!

Alhamdulillah wu shurku lillah.

7 Birds Chirpin':

Kris said...


I know how you felt... Granted we did get to do all the Bday stuff w/ Kalila and I loved it. But still... they grow so fast, it doesn't seem possible. I miss my tiny bundle already.

Oh and if you love those kisses (who wouldn't) just wait until he says love you... it about breaks your heart!

Safiyyah said...

Salaams My Dear:

I remember when you announced to us his birth, Alhamdulillah! Where does the time go?

iMuslimah said...

Mama: Thanks for stopping by! It is nice to see you. How old is your daughter now???

Saf: I do not know where the time goes! The past year has been a blur. Alhamdulillah he is thriving and the three of us are happy :)

Kris said...

:-) Kalila is 19 months old now... is hard to believe lol

Mint said...

Salem sister,

I am sorry I didn't write back to you right away.. I have seriously neglected my blog. Inshallah I will make more time in the coming months since I am 6 weeks preggy and I am determined as ever to document this journey.

As for tunisian food it would be a pleasure to help you set up a traditional set up. From where in Tunisia is he from? My husban id from Msaken in the area of Sousse. But lots of stuff is the same. I know how to make a desert called Makrout wich is a date filled pastry thingy lol and umm baklewah too.

You can add me to msn if you want : icy_kisses@hotmail.com (sorry VERY OLD email from my pre-islamic times lol)

beslema and robi mayek

Hijabi Apprentice said...

OMGoodness! I can't believe Omar is 1!! How are you? Long time no e-chat. Insha Allah chat with you soon.

Aisha Aapi said...

Mashallah that was beautiful! May Allah swt keep your children and yourself in the best of health.